-Daily Bible Verse-
-Daily Bible Verse-

Buffalo Evangelical Christian Church is located at 1001 East Robinson St in North Tonawanda NY.
Services are done in Russian/Ukrainian and often in English. Translation to English is available for our guests.
Service Times
- Wednesday 7 PM
- Friday 7 PM
- Sunday 10 AM*
*Translation Services available upon request.
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Biblical Concepts
A Few Key Biblical Concepts
God is our Creator and he is also our loving heavenly Father.
God wants His people to worship and love Him.
God has identified Himself in three persons – the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit.
God is completely holy, and he requires that his people be holy too.
Real religion isn’t rituals, it’s loving God in spirit and in truth.
Faith – believing in His Word – is at the heart of our relationship with God; without faith, we cannot please God.
Jesus Christ is God’s Son.
Jesus is savior of all people of all races and nationalities.
Jesus is God Himself, the only Savior of the world.
Sinners are saved only by faith in Jesus Christ and repentance.

Please visit our Ministries page to see the work the Church is doing.

Giving / Donation
Your donation will go towards supporting the Church’s efforts to spread to Gospel throughout the world. The Church currently supports several missionaries in various parts of the world, from Eastern Europe (Ukraine, Russia, and Maldova), to Guatamala, Bangladesh, and right here in the United States.
Your donation will help the missionaries the Church supports and help with the Church upkeep/maintenance and improvements.
Note: Evangelical Christian Church is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Promises of Scripture
There is Abundant Life in Christ.
Christ will return for his Church.
Forgiveness of Sins through Jesus Christ.
God’s enduring love towards us his people.
God will never abandon us.
Peace that transcends understanding.
Eternal life with God in heaven.